Monday, March 8, 2010

The Final Post for Ethics and Decision Making

Yeah, it's not as creative as I'm used to. Mr. Migraine has come to visit, so I'm not at my best. Many apologies in advance.

When I came into this class, I honestly didn't know what to expect. Ethics is alternately a clear cut realm and one fraught with disparity. Just because I think that my actions are ethical doesn't mean that they are to another person.

I went back and looked at the course objectives for this class and I think that I've at least learned to do the items set out on that list better, though I'm by no means an expert. Like any skill, it's going to take more than a 12 week course to set up and maintain the habits that will last a life time and actually get good at doing the things. But, by getting the information and the basics, I can go on and with practice get better.

The part that I thought was the most interesting was the bits about decision making. I mentioned it in my previous blog, but it's worth stating again: now that I have a better idea of why I make the decisions that I do make I stand a better chance of being able to out-think myself. (It makes sense if you think about it.) I think that people need to be able to out-think themselves and not just react on their instincts when making choices and decisions. We need to be able to see what other people's points of view are on situations and be able to compare that to our own views while stepping outside ourselves to see the best course of action.

Overall, I really enjoyed this class. And considering that I'm not much for online class taking, that's saying a lot. But then, being able to take and succeed in an online classroom setting is as much of a skill as anything else. And I'll certainly get plenty of practice with this degree programs.

See you around.

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