Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The internet community at large is reading, writing, and responding to blogs. And there is no reason whatsoever that a company cannot get in on this trend to keep their employees informed about company changes, policies, and events.

One thing that needs to be considered is the target audience. In this case, it's likely the employees of a company, who range from the night guy who empties the trash to the CEO. Sometimes, some information may not be necessary for all levels of employees in the company, but other information is pertinent to everyone. The objective then would be to figure out a way to diagnose which pieces of news are important or fun for everyone and which are not. This is probably relatively simple, since the company picnic and the pictures from it are great for everyone to see, but financial reports for a specific department may not be necessary for people outside that department. What is the purpose? Is this for purely informational purposes or is it intended to bring the company together better as a team by giving them the opportunity to learn about each other.

And how will you, the blogger, take on this task? What will your online voice be like? Will it read like a transcript of a collegiate math lecture or will it be vibrant and conversational? What will the timeline be? Every week like an old time small town newspaper or daily to keep people interested or even as news becomes available and needs to be put out there?

These are just a few things to consider when beginning an internal blog for an organization. It's different from a consumer blog because while both are intended to inform, the reasons for that information are vastly different. A consumer blog will be with the intent of garnering more sales and feedback from customers while an internal blog is intended more to keep your employees in the loop of events and situations within the company.


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